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Read the docs Release notes

Did you know?

Acquia Code Studio provides automatic updates for your code.

Code Studio will automatically update your Composer packages, replace deprecated custom code, and submit those changes for you to review in a Merge Request with a dedicated review environment. When you’re ready, you can merge the changes with a single button click and our pipeline will send it off to production.

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Code Studio provides a pre-built, fully managed CI/CD pipeline optimized for Drupal development, with Drupal best practices built in.

Your Drupal application will inherit Acquia’s configurable build pipeline, which will install dependencies, scan and test your code, create a review environment, and deploy straight to production when you’re ready.

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You can share a link to the Drupal site in your Cloud IDE

Just run acli ide:share in your IDE's terminal. It will generate a link with a unique passcode granting access to view the Drupal application.

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You can edit the IDE database right in your browser

IDEs have a visual database editor installed, allowing you to interact with your Drupals database directly from your browser. Just select "Open Database Editor" from the "Manage Drupal Application" menu.

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You can use Acquia CLI to interact with Cloud Platform API from your IDE

If you can do it in Acquia Cloud UI, you can also do it straight from your IDE terminal. Every Cloud UI button is powered by our Cloud Platform API, and every Cloud Platform API endpoint has a corresponding Acquia CLI command.

Run acli api to see the full list of commands that call Cloud Platform API endpoints.

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You can SSH into any Cloud Platform environment with Acquia CLI

No need to use Drush on your local machine. Just run acli aliases to see the list of environment aliases for your application, and run acli ssh [alias] to SSH into it.

Alternatively, you can run acli drush [alias] -- [command] to easily execute Drush commands on a remote environment.

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You can restart Linux services in the IDE via ACLI

To quickly restart PHP, Apache, or MySQL, use these ACLI wrapper commands:

  • acli ide:service-restart php
  • acli ide:service-restart apache
  • acli ide:service-restart mysql

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Cloud IDE has GitHub CLI pre-installed.

Just run gh for GitHub CLI. You can easily authenticate, check out pull requests, and more.

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You can parse and interact with JSON formatted API responses on the CLI

Acquia CLI's api:* commands return Cloud API's raw JSON responses, but you can easily use CLI tools to parse, highlight, and interact with the data.

Cloud IDE has jq pre-installed. Try out a few of the following commands:

  • Finding the last three Cloud events for a given application acli api:applications:notification-list myapp | jq '[limit(3;.[] | {event, completed_at})]'
  • Filtering out application details for an arbitrary sitegroup acli api:applications:list | jq '.[] | select(.hosting.id | contains ("thomas"))'
  • Finding all Cloud environments for a given application acli api:applications:environment-list myapp | jq '.[].name'

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Xdebug is pre-installed and pre-configured in your IDE.

Just run acli ide:xdebug-toggle to enable PHP's Xdebug extension. Watch this short video to see a quick demonstration.

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Acquia CLI is open source. Help us improve it!

Your contributions are welcome. Acquia CLI is open source and is written using the Symfony Console, a PHP-based library.

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Cloud IDE has PHP Code Sniffer installed and pre-configured to use Drupal Coding Standards

Run phpcs -i to see a list of all the available coding standards, and run phpcs [file/dir] to sniff any file or directory.

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You can hook into any ACLI command

You may define scripts that will automatically run before and/or after any ACLI command. To do so, add a script to your root composer.json file following the naming pattern (pre|post)-acli-(command name with dashes). E.g., pre-acli-push-db or post-acli-pull-files.

"scripts": {
  "pre-acli-pull-db": [
    "echo \"I'm pulling the database now!\""
  "post-acli-pull-db": [
    "echo \"I'm done pulling the database!\""

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You can easily change the version of Node.js or Ruby in Cloud IDE

Cloud IDE has nvm and rvm pre-installed, enabling you to download, install, and use nearly any version of Node.js or Ruby.

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You can change the version of PHP on your IDE

Just run acli ide:php-version [php-version] to change the version of PHP inside of your IDE.

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Acquia Code Studio enhance background
Acquia CLI


Acquia Code Studio

Drupal-optimized DevOps powered by GitLab

Acquia, in partnership with GitLab, provides a pre-built, fully managed Continuous Integration pipeline optimized for Drupal including automated updates for Composer packages and deprecated code. Developers can plan, test, review, and deploy to Acquia Cloud platform from a single, configurable workflow with Code Studio. We own and automate the repetitive parts so that you can stay focused on what’s most valuable.

Acquia CLI enhance background
Acquia CLI


Acquia CLI

The official command-line tool for interacting with the Drupal Cloud Platform and services.

Acquia CLI is the preferred way to interact with over 200+ Cloud Platform API endpoints. It helps you run Drush commands and tail logs from your Acquia-hosted applications, manage Acquia Cloud IDE, create and manage teams and applications, and much more!

Free! Included with Any Subscription